December 5, 2024


Passage: John 5:8

Jesus told him, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”
John 5:8, NLT

Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
John 5:8, KJV

In John 5, the man who Jesus healed had been crippled for thirty-eight years. This man never dreamed he’d be able to walk, play ball with his children, dance with his wife, or take a stroll on the beach. That’s the mercy of our God. Notice that Jesus didn’t say, “I’m going to get you a better mat to lay on, lighter and more comfortable. I’m going to get more help and better caregivers.” Jesus came to give the man complete freedom from his problem so that he never needed that mat. Life is too short for you to have things lingering that are holding you back. Sometimes, we don’t realise how restricted we are. We’ve become so used to a dysfunction that it feels comfortable. You have to stir yourself up. God’s idea of freedom is not to make you more comfortable in a dysfunction but to set you free. It’s to set you on a whole new path of health, peace, joy, and blessing. God is doing a new thing. You’re about to rise, take up your bed, and walk in freedom.

“FATHER, thank You that with Your calling upon my life comes the power to release any old thinking, old habits, discouragement, and dysfunction that would keep me stuck. I’m dropping the excuses that hold me back and taking steps of faith for a new beginning today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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