December 11, 2024


Passage: John 5:41

“Your approval means nothing to me.”
John 5:41, NLT

I receive not honour from men.
John 5:41, KJV

After the religious leaders in Jerusalem criticized Jesus for healing a man on the Sabbath, He told them that their disapproval meant nothing to Him. He wasn’t dependent on who liked or supported Him. He received His approval from His Heavenly Father. We all want to be liked, but too many people let the opinion of others determine what they do and who they are. They run everything through a filter: “How’s this going to make me look? Will others be impressed and applaud, or will they look down on me?” They don’t realise they’re ADDICTED to APPROVAL. They have to keep pleasing others in order to feel good about themselves. But some people will never give you their approval no matter what you do. Sometimes people are for you, and sometimes they’re not. Your destiny is not predicated on their approval of you. God laid out your plan. He called you, equipped you, and gave you favour. When you’re secure in who He made you to be, you know you’re valuable, talented, attractive, and a masterpiece. You don’t need anyone else’s validation.

“FATHER, thank You that I can feel good about who I am because You made me just as I am. Help me to not become dependent upon other people’s approval or try to get my value from them. I declare that I have Your approval and love and that’s all I need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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