October 11, 2024


Passage: Genesis 17:16

“I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.”
Genesis 17:16, NIV

And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.
Genesis 17:16, KJV

When God spoke today’s Scripture, Sarah was nearly ninety years old. The original promise of a son had been given twenty-five years previous to this. What’s interesting is that Sarah wanted a baby, but God was setting up something much bigger, much better. She would have been thrilled to give birth to a son, but God wanted a nation. She not only had a son at ninety years old, but she gave birth to nations; kings of people came out of her. It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re waiting for a promise from God. It can be frustrating when it’s taking longer than you thought for God’s plan to unfold. Maybe the reason your dream is taking longer, the reason that promise hasn’t come to pass yet, is because what God is going to do is so much bigger, so much more fulfilling than what you have in mind. You’re not going to give birth to a son, but to nations, so to speak. God has already scheduled “WOW” moments, things you never dreamed would happen.

“FATHER, thank You for the dreams, the promises, the potential, the seeds of greatness that You put inside me. Thank You that You set me up for things that are bigger and better and more fulfilling than I can imagine. I believe I will give birth to my dreams. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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