So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.
1 Samuel 30:4, NIV
Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep.
1 Samuel 30:4, KJV
First Samuel 30 records the greatest defeat David had ever suffered. He and his six hundred men returned from a mission only to find their city burned, their wives and children kidnapped by Amalekite bandits, and all their possessions stolen. Then David’s men started blaming him and talked about stoning him. It wasn’t fair that the wrong thing happened when David was doing the right thing. But God doesn’t promise that life will always be fair. It’s what we do in these unfair times that determines whether we get stuck and let it sour the rest of our lives or whether we move forward and see God EXPAND US. What made David a champion is that he shook off the defeated mind-set and went forward to recover all that had been taken plus spoils from the bandits. He understood the principle that you have to get up when you’ve been knocked down and not use it as an excuse to stop. On the other side of the excuse is expansion, a new level of our destiny.
“FATHER, thank You that Your power to strengthen me in times of unfairness is greater than any force that comes against me. Thank You that I can put discouragement behind me and push forward in faith. I believe that expansion is coming—something greater, something better. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”