But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive, of the men who went to spy out the land.
Numbers 14:38, NKJV
But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which were of the men that went to search the land, lived still.
Numbers 14:38, KJV
In the Scripture, do you recall reading about Sethur, or Gaddiel, or Shaphat? No? These three men were among the twelve spies whom Moses sent into the Promised Land. They were called to be HISTORY MAKERS. They had seeds of greatness. They knew that God had promised they would conquer their enemies and take the land. But instead of overriding the fear, doubts, and intimidation of giants and fortified cities, they spoke defeat. Unlike the spies Joshua and Caleb, who spoke faith and victory, they verbalized the negative, declaring it could never happen. They didn’t know they were prophesying their futures—dying in the desert and never entering the land.
Don’t go around talking defeat, about how impossible a problem is. Have a Joshua spirit. Be a Caleb. Learn to speak victory. You are prophesying your future. Prophesy healing, abundance, and new levels. God is listening. What He hears you saying, He’s going to do. Only speak positive, faith-filled words as Joshua and Caleb did, and you will go into your promised land and see favour that you’ve never seen.
“FATHER, thank You for the promise that You always lead me to triumph through Jesus. Thank You that I am Your child, a victor and not a victim of circumstances. I’m going to stay in peace knowing that no obstacle that stands in my way can stop Your plan. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.