“Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep.”
Acts 13:36, NIV
For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption
Acts 13:36, KJV
Many people today are not being true to who they are because they’re afraid they may disappoint someone, fall out of their good graces, or not be accepted. But you can’t live the life God wants for you, the life He purposed for you, if you are trying to be who your parents, who your friends, or who your boss wants you to be. You have to be true to who God made you to be. After all, God doesn’t want you to be an imitation of someone else. You should be the original you were created to be.There is an anointing on your life, an empowerment, not to be somebody else, but to be you. If you let people squeeze you into their mold and you bow down to their pressure to try to please your critics, it not only takes away your uniqueness, but it also lessens the favour on your life. It’s time for you to go out and fulfill your purpose for your generation, run your own race, and to be free to be who you really are.
“FATHER, thank You that I can seek Your kingdom first and be who You want me to be. Help me to run my own race with passion. I believe that Your anointing and empowerment and favour will rest upon my life so that I can fulfill Your purpose for me in my generation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”