“The prince of the world is coming. He has no power over me.”
John 14:30, NCB
Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
John 14:30, KJV
Jesus defeated the prince of this world, but that doesn’t mean you won’t face difficulties. The enemy will come, but you can say, as Jesus did, “HE HAS NO POWER OVER ME”. He’s already been defeated.” We didn’t defeat him; JESUS DID. But because we belong to Christ, His victory is our victory. Because He lives, we can live. Because He rendered the enemy powerless, we can walk in freedom. To see this victory, you can’t have a defeated mind-set when you face fear and feel intimidated. The right attitude is to declare, “The enemy has no power over me.” He used to have power. He used to have the keys to death and hell, but Jesus took away those keys and gave them to us. Now we have authority. Now we can live in victory. When things come against you, instead of being under attack, you need to be on the attack. Never shrink back in fear or worry, knowing that every force that’s trying to stop you has been defeated. Move forward knowing that God always causes you to triumph.
“FATHER, thank You for sending Your champion, Christ Jesus, who is far more powerful than the enemy. Thank You that the enemy has no power over me because He has no power over Jesus. I will walk in the liberty by which Christ has set me free. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”