“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”
Matthew 21:22, NKJV
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
Matthew 21:22, KJV
Are you basing your prayers on your ability, your connections, your finances? Are you praying from a natural, logical point of view? You’re going to miss the fullness of what God has in store. Don’t limit Him to only what you think can happen. Take the limits off. Pray some BOLD PRAYERS. Dream some BIG DREAMS. If you can accomplish your dream in your own ability, with your connections and your finances, then your dream is too small. God has things in your future that you haven’t seen, levels that you haven’t imagined. When you don’t limit Him by the logical, you can believe even when your mind says, “That’s too far out. You’ll never get well, never start your business, never see
your family restored.” When all the odds are against you, you’re in perfect position for God to show out in your life, to do something that you’ve never seen. The Most High God is on your side. He hasn’t forgotten what He promised you. Now do your part. Ask Him for your dreams.
“FATHER, thank You that when the odds are against me, You are on my side. Thank You that nothing and no one is more powerful than You and that I can dare to pray bold prayers. I believe that You are going to bless me with answers that are beyond my imagination. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”