Hezekiah had asked Isaiah, “What will be the sign that the LORD will heal me?”
2 Kings 20:8, NIV
And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, What shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me..
2 Kings 20:8, KJV
King Hezekiah was dying of an illness when God heard his prayer and promised he would be miraculously healed in three days and his life would be extended for fifteen years. But after the excitement of the promise wore off, Hezekiah started wondering how he could know his healing was for certain. So he asked for a sign, which God gave him, and he was healed. God is merciful, and He’ll give us a sign sometimes. But if you live by the approach that God has to prove that He’s going to do what He’s said or you’re not going to believe, you’ll always be dependent on signs and never reach the fullness of your destiny. Perhaps you’re praying for a sign but you’re not seeing anything. The right attitude is: “God, I don’t need a sign that You’re going to do it; You’ve already proven to me who You are. You’ve already made ways where I didn’t see a way, opened doors I couldn’t open, and defeated giants. I trust You with no evidence. You’ve already shown Yourself faithful.”
“FATHER, thank You that You have proven Your faithfulness to me over and over. Thank You that I don’t need signs to know that You are going to do what You’ve said You will do in Your Word. I declare that I will walk by faith and not by sight. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”