November 27, 2024


For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver.
Psalm 66:10, NIV

For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.
Psalm 66:10, KJV

Before you see the promises of God fulfilled in your life, there will always be tests. Before you go into your promised land, there will be giants and fortified cities, things that look impossible. One way your faith is released is through what you’re saying in times of testing. Your mind will tell you all the reasons it’s not going to happen, and the temptation is to start speaking negatively. That gives life to the doubts and limits what God will do. Don’t let that happen. Speak what God says in His Word about you. Let your words of faith override the doubts. Speak faith when every thought is telling you, “It’s never going to work out. I don’t have what it takes.” You can talk about how bad it’s been, or you can say, “Father, thank You that You have beauty for these ashes. What was meant for harm, You’re turning to my advantage. I’m excited about my future.” That’s what causes God to go to work. That’s when you’ll defeat giants, beat the illness, and the right people will suddenly show up.

“FATHER, thank You that my faith and trust are anchored to You and Your power at work in my life. Thank You that I don’t have to be moved by the tests and troubles I face because I am fully persuaded You will do what You promised. I declare that my hope is in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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