Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:3, NKJV
O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:3, KJV
When you’re up against challenges that seem too big or dreams that look impossible, you’ll be tempted to worry, to live stressed and complaining. In those moments, you have to pay attention to what kind of atmosphere you’re creating. Whatever you’re sending out, you’re going to draw in. If you go around complaining about how a problem is not going to work out, that negative atmosphere draws in discouragement and will stop your victory. You can’t reach your potential.
When you face difficulties, the best thing you can do is give God praise. A situation may be too much for you, but it’s not too much for Him. Don’t magnify your problems. Magnify your God. Thank Him for who He is. “Lord, You are the all-powerful Creator of the universe. You are the great I AM. You are my provider, my healer, my protector, my deliverer, my way maker.” That’s what causes God to show up—not begging Him, not complaining, not worrying. Switch over into praise. That’s what attracts the most powerful force in the universe.
“FATHER, thank You that You inhabit my praise and that You are here with me in all the challenges of my life. Praise You for being the Most High God who provides, protects, heals, and makes a way for me. I choose to magnify You and exalt Your name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”