I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13, NKJV
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:13, KJV
Perhaps the people you grew up around or who you’re with now don’t believe for much and are content to live in mediocrity. You have to be the one to break out of the rut. You can’t let other people put their negative story on you. Don’t let their defeated, limited vision keep you from believing you can rise higher. People are not the author of your story; God is. He called you, He anointed you, and He put the dreams in you. This is a new day. God wants you to go further. He has things in your future that are much greater than you can imagine. Now get in agreement with Him. Quit telling yourself that you’re limited, you’ve gone as far as you can, and you’ll always struggle. No, tell yourself a new story. Have an abundant, victorious mentality and say, “I’m an overcomer. God always causes me to triumph through Christ. I am equipped, empowered, and anointed to become all I was created to be. Lord, thank You that You take pleasure in prospering me.”
“FATHER, thank You for the people You’ve placed in my life, but help me not to become dependent upon them or allow them to put their story on me in a negative way. Thank You for the story of abundance and victory that You’ve written for me. I declare that I will triumph through Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”