“…but I will do what the Father requires of me, so that the world will know that I love the Father.”
John 14:31, NLT
But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do..
John 14:31, KJV
As Jesus approached the time of the cross, He said the prince of this world was coming but had no power over Him. Then He added in today’s Scripture, “But I will do what the Father requires of Me.” That last part is the key. We’re all going to face attacks, trouble, and opposition. The enemy will come, and he has no power over us, but we have to do what the Father requires. We can’t sit back and say, “Why did this happen? This is not fair.” What the Father requires is that we move forward in faith. Don’t let fear hold you back. The only tools the enemy has are deception and lies. The only power he has is the power you give him by believing his lies. He’s called the father of lies. There is no truth in him. Don’t believe the lie that a setback or illness is permanent. Don’t water down your dreams. The enemy is defeated. Now get your passion back and go after what God put in your heart.
“FATHER, thank You that I can guard my heart and keep it free from all the lies and deceptions that try to keep me intimidated and living worried. Thank You that I can ignore the lies and believe the truth of Your Word. I declare that I will obey and do what You require. In Jesus’ Name, Amen